Monday 14 March 2011

Have you been on the trail looking for the perfect foundation?

As someone who has always loved makeup to being a makeup professional I have searched and searched for the perfect foundation and many hundreds of pounds later I feel like I have struck gold!

I don't know what I did before the days of twitter, when I couldn't just send @Nicjoss - celebrity facialist & makeup artist a message asking for her advice on skincare, makeup etc

This is exactly what I did with the wedding season almost upon us and my bookings coming in thick and fast. Nichola recommended that I give Teint Miracle by Lancome a try, saying that she loved it. As a very obedient follower (and looking for any excuse to feed my passion of buying products) I hot footed it to our fabulous Beauty Hall in Debenhams Newcastle for a browse. I had a bit of a play with the Teint Miracle liquid foundation, texture felt fabulous , shades were extremely flattering and that was me sold and up for a rather large purchase.

It was my Daughters 18th birthday celebration so perfect opportunity to try out my new purchase for her big night out. The skin was prepared with a little active moist moisturiser and left for a few minutes before I applied the lovely sample of the Lancome primer, this felt like velvet and simply glided over the skin evening out the surface,filling in any open pores ready for the foundation. I then used the 01 shade with a good foundation brush and applied to the skin in gentle even strokes - trust me when i say this just creates a perfect finish right before your eyes - WOW the finish was amazing. I dusted over with a little mineral veil powder as she was going for a long night out and her skin looked absolutely flawless. Result!

I was a bit sceptical as always as she is young and gorgeous anyway, so I prepared my own skin and using the 02 shade applied the Teint Miracle to my own skin and amazingly I was equally blown away.

My daughter returned home at 3.00am, makeup still looking refreshingly intact and I have to say the staying power of this foundation on my skin, which does tend to be a bit oily on my T zone has been brilliant - it actually stays put all day.

This product is truly fantastic - needless to say I have purchased 3 shades (all in the line of my profession - honest) and received samples for two further shades and I am ready to create some flawless, amazing looks for my brides to be in the coming months.

At only £26 for 30mls, I think it is very reasonably priced for the small amount you need to apply and the amazing quality of the product.

True to form I was tempted to browse the rest of the fab offerings Lancome had to offer and couldn't resist buying one of their powder blushes in shade 03 Rose Boise. I applied a light dusting of matt bronzer just under the cheek bone and temples to define my face then applied my new blush gently just to the cheek bone for a fresh look, great for spring.

So all in all, two fantastic new products for me that have gone straight to that 'can't live without' list. If you like me have been searching for the perfect foundation,this is most definitely worth a try - it is truly a 'Teint Miracle'

Wendy xx